A surrogate is someone who agrees to carry a pregnancy for another person or couple, giving birth to a baby who has no genetic connection and will be raised by the intended parent(s). Taking on such a vital role means merging your best interests with those of the family you are going on this journey for.
Rising to the top in our highly selective application process, Growing Generations surrogates are the best possible partners for the intended parents we serve. Your journey is a serious commitment—to make you and your well-being a top priority, with the most personalized attention and the utmost respect.

Who Are Our Surrogates?
Growing Generations surrogates are mothers themselves who are raising their own children. Pregnancy is an experience they enjoy, and family is incredibly important to them. The compensation they receive is a way to pursue their dreams and provide for themselves and their family, all while being an essential partner on someone else’s path to parenthood.

The biggest reason surrogates do what they do is because they believe in helping others grow a family. By becoming a surrogate, you can help people become parents despite obstacles that make it difficult or impossible for them to create their own family using traditional means. Some of the types of parents you’ll help include:
Couples who struggle with infertility
Women with health concerns that make it dangerous to carry a baby to term
Same-sex male couples
Surrogates make parenthood possible where it would not be otherwise.

Women interested in becoming surrogates must meet a number of requirements. Although these may vary a bit depending on the agency, common criteria include being between the ages of 21 and 42, having had at least one successful, uncomplicated pregnancy, being in good physical and mental health, and not using certain medications. Additionally, surrogacy agencies require potential surrogates to have a secure living situation and financial stability.
Growing Generations uses a thorough screening process to select surrogates. This process includes several steps, such as medical and psychological evaluations, background checks, interviews, and reviews of the surrogate’s medical history and lifestyle.
The decision to become a surrogate is deeply personal and can be incredibly rewarding emotionally. Helping others build a family is a selfless, generous choice. It’s important, however, to consider the potential physical and emotional challenges, time commitment, and impact on your own family. Compensation is another factor to weigh when determining if surrogacy is worth it for you.
Surrogate mothers offer an incredible gift to individuals or couples who are unable to conceive or carry a pregnancy themselves. For many intended parents, surrogacy is their only option to have a biological child, making your role as a surrogate invaluable in helping them fulfill their dreams of parenthood.
The surrogacy process can vary, but it typically takes around 24 to 36 months from the initial application to the birth of the child. Factors that can influence the timeline include the time it takes to match with intended parents, medical and legal processes, and the success of the assisted reproductive technologies used.
Compensation for surrogacy varies. Growing Generations is one of the most generous agencies, with our surrogates among some of the highest paid in the U.S. For example, we offer up to $63,500 to first-time surrogates in California. It’s crucial to thoroughly discuss and understand the financial aspects before committing to the surrogacy process.